An affair proof marriage? Is that possible? The answer is a whole hearted "YES."
To achieve this your marriage needs to be completely transparent.
This means rules and boundaries have to be set, agreed on and stuck to with no exceptions.
No little white lies, no excuses, no grey areas, just 100% honesty. "Transparency" is the key. Good communication is everything. Discuss your fears and anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. Tell him every little detail, tell him about the guy that tries to flirt with you sometimes in the coffee shop, but also ask your husband to meet you for lunch, at the same place... no secrets..
To create an affair proof marriage you must build a solid wall around it. This wall must be something that you both have built, something that no-one can breach, and neither of you will step outside.
Learn How Survive An Affair
Click here and learn how to survive an affair
(Highly recommended course from Dr. Frank Gunzburg)