Trust, the foundation that any healthy relationship is built on.
Countless years spent building trust in a relationship, are quickly destroyed by an affair. The destruction of trust is without doubt the most harmful aspect of an affair.
Without rebuilding the trust that has been lost, it will be very difficult to move on after the affair.
Beginning the process of rebuilding trust can be hard, but one way is to examine the ways in which you do trust your husband, however small they may be. Finding ways in which you still trust your husband will help you start to trust him in areas of your life where the trust has been lost.
Here are a few examples:
Finances - Do you share a bank account? Do you share joint responsibility for your financial stability? If you do, this involves a large amount of trust. Do you trust him with this?
Children - If you have children, do you trust him with their safety and well-being?
Physical Safety - This is often taken for granted in most relationships, but do you trust him with your own personal and physical safety?
None of the above are directly related to the trust lost after an affair, but each is an example of a huge amount of trust that you probably still have in your husband.
There is no quick way to rebuild trust lost by an affair, but the best way to start is to ask your husband for complete transpancy in your relationship from now on. This means that he must be be willing to provide 100% honesty in all areas of his life. He must be willing to tell you everything you need to know for your emotional peace of mind.
This approach is very successful at rebuilding trust, but will require a huge amount of willingness and effort from both of you.
Follow the link below for an in depth look at how this technique can help you start trusting your husband again.
Learn How Survive An Affair
Click here and learn how to survive an affair
(Highly recommended course from Dr. Frank Gunzburg)