Low self esteem after an affair, along with self confidence and lack of self respect, will often plague you when trying to deal with the after effects of infidelity.
You were not responsible for the affair, but you are responsible for whatever actions you take to make your life what you want it to be. You cannot change the past, or undo what has been done, but you do have the power to influence the here and now.
Once you realise that you have this power, the power to take your life by the reins, and lead it in any direction that you want it to go, you will start to notice your self esteem returning, along with your self respect and a greater feeling of self worth.
Empower yourself with the knowledge that the situation you are in is because of choices made by someone else, but it is within your power to start the process of working through them towards a better future.
“....grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”
Learn How Survive An Affair
Click here and learn how to survive an affair
(Highly recommended course from Dr. Frank Gunzburg)